Q: Can I change my race distance once I have already entered?
A: Yes. If changing up a distance you will just pay the difference in the entry fees plus a $10 admin fee. If changing down, only a $10 admin fee is applicable.
Q: When do entries close and can I enter on the day?
A: On-line entries close at midnight on the Thursday prior to the race and we are unable to accept race-day entries.
Q: What time do we unleash hell?
A: Summer Series Long Course will start at 7:30am, Medium Course at 8:00am, and 8:30am for Short Course & Fun 5.
Q: When can I get my bib?
A: Bibs will be available for pick-up on race morning commencing at around 6:45am. There will be no mail out option. Bibs can also be collected on the Wednesday prior to events (excluding Melrose) from our office at 47 Prospect Rd, Prospect. Please call in advance to check that we are in the office on 0403 323 198.
Q: Can I receive a refund if I need to cancel my entry?
A: No unfortunately we are unable to process any refunds due to cancellation for injury or any other reasons. Please refer to our Refund Policy under "Home"
Q: What are the cut-off times?
A: The cut-off times will be 3.5 hours for Long Course, 3 hours for Medium Course and 2.5 hours for the Short Course.
Q: How does the Series Points System work?
A: All Runners that finish inside the top-5 of their AG (age group) will earn points towards the end of season awards. Runners MUST compete (must start) in a minimum of 4 races to qualify for the series awards. Your AG is determined by your age as of January 1st. The AG’s will be split into 5-year increments i.e. 30-34, 35-39 etc. Only your best 4 results are taken towards the series awards. Medals will ONLY be awarded to the winners of each Age Group at the end of the season. We will not be awarding medals to top-3 Age Group finishers. Overall Male & Female winners will also be recognised. These overall winners cannot also win an AG award as well. Note: ATR reserves the right to make changes to the points scoring system if we feel we can come up with a better system.
Points Distribution - Races 1-4
1st - 25 points, 2nd - 16 points, 3rd - 12 points, 4th - 9 points, 5th - 7 points.
Points Distribution - Race 5 (Summer Trail Running Championships = 50% Bonus Points)
1st - 38 points, 2nd - 24 points, 3rd - 18 points, 4th - 14 points, 5th - 11 points.
Q: Will there be aid stations?
A: Yes, we will have at least 1 aid station per race. Aid stations are cup-free meaning you MUST provide your own flask, bladder, cup, or bottle. Please observe any COVID-19 restrictions that may be in play at the time.
Q: What is the Hot Weather Policy?
A: All races will proceed unless the Park is deemed closed by the relevant authorities. ATR does reserve the right to move the start times forward in the case of extreme heat. ATR may also look to shorten a course due to extreme heat. It is the runners responsibility to hydrate according to the conditions.
Q: What if the race is cancelled?
A: The only situation where a race would be cancelled is if the venue/park were to be deemed closed by the relevant government authority. This could happen in the case of bush fires, extreme heat, pandemic, or a natural disaster. If this happens, we will look to shift the race to an alternative date/venue, most likely the following week. If an alternative date cannot be found within 6 months, then a refund can be offered minus a $15 admin fee. We would greatly appreciate that you consider to forfeit this option as ATR will still be liable for most of the costs associated with the event.
Q: What if I noticed an error in my entry details?
A: No problem, just shoot us an email to info@adelaidetrailrunners.com.au and we will sort this out for you.
Q: Will there be food available at the end of the race?
A: We may be unable to provide communal food due to COVID restrictions. These restrictions are always changing so please keep an eye on any updates via our social media pages. We may have vendors on site that will have food and beverages for sale. Water, Bananas and Watermelon will be provided to all runners and Coke & lemonade will be available for purchase.
Q: Can I wear headphones?
A: The wearing of headphones is not allowed. You need to be very aware of your surrounds and to be able to hear and follow instructions from volunteers and fellow runners.
Q: Am I able to run or walk with a dog?
A: Look, we love dogs, who doesn’t? But sorry, no dogs are allowed on course during the race for the safety of all the competitors. The only exception is for accredited guide dogs. Visitors and spectators may bring dogs into the parks subject to that parks guidelines and you must take responsibility for observing the laws at each event.
Q: How do I earn some bling?
A: The first 3 male and female finishers in each Long, Medium, and Short course will add some bling to their medal collection.
Q: Do I have to carry a Hydration Pack and a phone?
A: It is not compulsory although we strongly recommend that all Long and Medium Course runners do carry some form of hydration with a minimum of 1 litre of fluid. This is Australia and this is summer. It gets bloody hot! It is always best practice to carry a mobile phone with you and to have the phone numbers of the race director and First Aid saved in your phone. If you do not carry a phone, how the hell will you take photos for your Instagram account?
Q: Is there a random draw because I love winning free stuff?
A: Yes! You must be present at the presentations to claim your prize. If you are not there, we will move on and call another name. COVID restrictions could prevent this from happening.
Q: How do I get my bib?
A: We do not send out bibs in the post. These can only be collected on the morning of the event. Please give yourself enough time to collect your bib before the race. We will try to supply safety pins but it does not hurt to bring your own just in case. Bib pick-up opens 45 minutes prior to the first race.
Q: How do I guarantee that I get a specific event bib?
A: Entries must be in by midnight two Thursdays prior to the race. Said another way, 10 days prior to the race. This will also guarantee your name on your bib. Entries received after this date will not have your name on your race bib and we cannot guarantee that it will be a race specific bib. It could be a generic Adelaide Trail Runners bib.